Saturday, July 10, 2010

About me and this blog

Hello Everyone and welcome to my online blog. I have created this Finally so my friends and family can follow my journey through chemo and my fight against Ovarian Cancer. Also I want to create awareness for Ovarian Cancer so Please feel free to share with anyone.
Where to begin!!??

On Feb. 23, 2010 I was seen by a Gynecological Oncologist who told me that he was 99.9% sure that the huge mass, the size of melons found on my ovary was indeed cancer. Surgery was scheduled for March 1, 2010 the following Monday! Talk about devastated and in denial!! I was very hopeful that he was indeed wrong and it was not as serious as he was telling me, although I was still very upset. A couple days later I got a 2nd opinion on the advice of a dear friend, Kim O. The 2nd Dr gave me the same diagnoses, so I knew at that point it was pretty serious. I went with my Original surgeon as he is very experienced, went to John Hopkins (you don't just get into John Hopkins Medical School!), teaches other Drs on the subject, is at teaching hospital, and is at MD Anderson, one of the top 2 or 3 Cancer treatment centers in the country.

I went from begging the Dr not to take anything out that wasn't necessary, (as I was scheduled for a Full Hysterectomy), to telling the Dr to do whatever it took and take anything and everything he needed to to save my life.

My surgeon did what's called a de bulking surgery and staging of the cancer. This is standard procedure. After surgery I was diagnosed as Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. I had a full hysterectomy, the cancer had also spread to my appendix and stomach omentum (outer lining of the stomach) so they were removed as well.

The next week was spent in the hospital followed by 5 more weeks of recovery time at home. Talk about intense pain! I didn't know pain like this was possible! When I woke up in recovery I thought I was going to die. It was awful and intense pain. Surgery is not fun!!

I will continue this story later and write more. I am still going through chemo and it is time for a nap. More to follow~

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Missy!! You are an inspiration to me and my family because of your strength and faith in the Lord. We love you!! Congrats on getting your blog started!!
