Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Port for Chemo

I mentioned before that I would be placed randomly in one of three arms for chemotherapy. The one I was put into was to have the chemo right above the chest and below the shoulder. So I would not be getting the chemo in my belly. They do not know which treatment is better which is why they are doing the study. At first I wanted the one in the belly so I was a little disappointed. The side effects are worse, but some think it may be more effective and I wanted the max treatment. At this point being over halfway done with chemo I am glad I didn't get the one in the belly. It has been rough as it is and after speaking with other patients who had the chemo in the belly I don't think I could have handled it.

Next step was to have a port placed for the chemo. Instead of finding a new vein each week for the chemo they place a port under the skin. It is connected to a large vein and it has a place for the needle to go in. I can feel it by touch and the nurses are so good they never miss. I had to undergo outpatient surgery for the port placement. My pain only lasted about a day or so and the surgery was nothing compared to the hysterectomy. Just another scar to add my first one..........I will talk about how the first treatment went later. Thanks for reading!! : )

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,

    Amazing!! Your strength and courage to share your pain and experience to better educate and support others- a true inspiration! We pray every night for you!
